I truly believe that investing in your family's sleep is one of the most important things you can do for yourself, your children and your partner. But at what point is it time to start sleep training? Do you feel like you keep putting it off? Or are you wondering if it's time to call on the professionals for help?
Here's 8 signs that you ARE ready for sleep training with your baby or children, and remember, there is no shame in asking for help.
If you would like to find out what support is right for you, then I can book you in for a free sleep assessment to decide what would be the best option for you and your family's sleep situation.
You can't remember when you last had a full night's sleep.
Let's be honest: waking up for the umpteenth time in the middle of the night becomes a blur after a while. It starts to feel like some distant memory, that peaceful, uninterrupted sleep you once knew. If you're constantly battling exhaustion and the days start blending together, it might be time to admit that sleep training could be your lifesaver. Lack of sleep can quickly snowball into bigger issues—let's stop that before it happens.
Sleep regression no longer feels like a phase; it's become the norm.
We've all heard that sleep regressions are just a phase, right? But what happens when that "phase" never seems to end? It starts feeling like you're stuck in an endless loop of wake-ups, cranky mornings, and unpredictable naps. If you've been telling yourself, "This too shall pass," but it's months later and nothing has changed, it may be time to reconsider and invest in professional sleep training to break the cycle.
Co-sleeping is no longer working for you or your family.
Co-sleeping works for some many parents—until it doesn't. If what started as a cosy bonding experience is now leaving everyone feeling cramped, restless, or even unsafe, it's OK to admit it's not working anymore. Sleep training can help you transition your child to their own sleep space, giving everyone the room and rest they need. There's no shame in adjusting your strategy if the current one isn't serving you.
The lack of sleep is affecting your mental health.
When sleep deprivation starts wearing on your mental health, it's time to hit pause and reconsider how to fix things. Lack of sleep can lead to anxiety, irritability, and even depression. If you're feeling emotionally drained, stressed, or like you're losing a grip on your patience, a sleep training plan might be the reset button you need. You deserve rest just as much as your child does!
Relationships are beginning to suffer.
We know lack of sleep doesn't just affect you—it impacts everyone in your orbit, too. Maybe you and your partner are snapping at each other more often, or you're too tired to connect at the end of the day. Sleep deprivation can put a strain on relationships, whether it's with your partner, other kids, or even friends. By working with a sleep trainer, you can reclaim that emotional energy and restore balance to your relationships.
You want your evenings back!
Remember when evenings were about winding down, spending time with your partner, or just having a moment for yourself? If bedtime is becoming an hours-long ordeal that eats away at any hope of "me time," sleep training can bring that peaceful evening routine back into your life. Imagine tucking your little one in, knowing you have a quiet evening ahead.
You are noticing the impact lack of sleep is having on your little one.
Kids thrive on routine, and when sleep is out of whack, it can show in their behaviour, mood, and even health. If your child seems overly cranky, clingy, or struggles with concentration, it might be due to poor sleep habits. Getting on a consistent sleep schedule can be a game-changer for their development, mood, and overall happiness. You want your child to be their best self, and sleep is key.
You are going back to work and still don't have a consistent routine in place.
The return to work is a big enough transition on its own, but doing it without a solid sleep routine? That's a recipe for chaos. If you're heading back to the office and find yourself still winging it with nap times and bedtime routines, now's the perfect time to implement a structured plan. Sleep training can help ease the transition for both you and your child, so you can head back to work feeling somewhat human!
Sleep Training in Bristol - Or Remotely Where Ever You Are.
Sleep training isn't about rigid rules or letting go of all flexibility—it's about finding what works for your family so that everyone can rest, recharge, and reconnect. If you've been battling sleepless nights, consider it a sign that you don't have to do this alone. A good sleep consultant can guide you through the process and bring calm back to your home, one restful night at a time. My sleep nanny business is based in Bristol, but I am able to help families all over the UK with my remote sleep training or face-to-face if you are in South West and depending on your preference. If you would like to find out what support is right for you, then I can book you in for a free sleep assessment to decide what would be the best option for you and your family.